Platinum Jubilee Commemorative Mugs

Spaldwick Parish Council will be marking the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II with a gift of a commemorative mug for all children at Spaldwick Community Primary School. 

The mugs will also be available for purchase by anyone else in the village who may like one to mark the occasion at the subsidised price of £5.00 each. 

Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11

To reserve your mug/s please complete the order form.

Flooding advice from HDC

The District Council’s flood advice page has been updated and contains several useful links:

• How to plan for flooding –

• What to do in a flood –

• What to do before, during and after a flood –

• Prepare for flooding

A message from Citizens Advice Rural Cambs

Announcing the launch of our updated website

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, we have all become used to finding information and services on-line for ourselves. This is equally true regarding quality information that helps us sort out any problems we may have.

As part of our continual improvement programme, we have now invested in upgrading our website to make it even easier for people to find the quality information they need to help with their problems. The updated website went live on the 23rd August. It has a new user-friendly interface and contains much more up-to-date information about the myriad of issues that people may have to deal with.

It is organised around key topics / articles, and guides you through a number of steps to help you find the relevant information quickly. In addition, the extensive powerful search capabilities work throughout the site. Information is grouped around the common problem areas of debt, benefits, work, housing, family / relationships, consumer and other.

We advise nearly 10,000 people every year with over 41,000 problems and a further 8,000 people use our SELF-HELP website. 95% of our clients would recommend us to a friend.

With our new upgraded website, we intend to help even more people find the information they need to improve their life situations.

For free, independent and impartial advice and support you can contact Citizens Advice Rural Cambs: 

  • Adviceline: 0808 278 7807    Monday to Friday 09:30 to 15:30   

• Universal Credit Help to Claim line:   0800 1448444,  for anyone seeking to make a new claim for Universal Credit    

• Webchat or Email via:   

• Information also available on our website at or at  

Renewal of Concessionary bus passes

A message from the Cambridge & Peterborough Combined Authority:

The Combined Authority is aware that over the next eighteen months the number of renewals of the concessionary bus passes is going to be potentially very high.

It is the responsibility of the pass holder to check when their pass is up for renewal and then to contact the Combined Authority to get a new one.

In order to aid the pass holder we have set up an online form which allows people to easily renew online. This online form can be found at Free Bus Passes – CPCA Transport ( .

If people have any problems with the online form then they can also call the number on the back of their passes.

Commissioner’s public survey on policing and crime priorities

A message from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough:

The Commissioner’s public survey on policing and crime priorities ends on 30th July.

This is for members of the public of any age to share their views and priorities about policing and crime in the county and the survey feedback will be used to help shape the content of the Police and Crime Plan for the next three years.

A link to the survey is here: